Goals for the summer of 2017

Summer is here! Time for ACs 😉


I’ve started following a2oj.com “ladders”, starting from the “< 1300” one. I hope to complete at least 7-8 of them by the end of summer vacations in mid-July. The first few are aimed at complete beginners, and thus are very easy implementation-based problems. It’s tough to do a lot of these in a single go – I become frustrated at the lack of resistance, and usually ~20 problems is my limit, after which I need a break. So, to spice things up, I’ve decided to alternate doing these ladder problems, and a random virtual contest on Codeforces.

My other aim during university vacations is to go through Introduction to Algorithms by Cormen et al. – it’s been on my to-do list for a long time, but I never really got around to reading it.

Right now, I’m at a stage where my coding skills are sufficiently developed, but my thinking ability is lacking. Usually, I’m simply unable to come up with a correct and efficient solution to tough problems (CF Div. 2 D or E are “tough” for me). If I do come up with a solution, the implementation part is not too tough. I may make a few errors here and there, but I’m reasonably fast at coding a good enough implementation of the solution. Thus, my primary aim at the moment is developing better mental skills. Reading CLRS and getting a better understanding of standard algorithms will go a long way to doing that, and practicing on the A2OJ ladders will help me get a taste of the kind of problems I’d like to be able to solve.

I’ll keep updating this blog with my progress reports. Till then, adios!

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I take part regularly in online programming competitions. Find me as 'drajingo' on Codeforces, Codechef, Hackerrank, Topcoder, and Spoj. Apart from sport programming, I'm interested in recent tech developments, especially in AI and Quantum Computing.

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